Reception 2024 - 2025

Miss May

Miss Randles

Miss Barrow

Ms Lloyd


Below is a short outline of our week (sometimes this may change due to timetable needs)

Monday- homework to be handed in on Tapestry. Children will have PE with Miss Barrow on Thursday, children to come in with their PE kit on.

Wednesday- homework is to be done between now and the following Monday.


Ways to help your child succeed...



Completing homework – homework will be sent home on a Wednesday and should be returned on a Monday on Tapesty. 

  • Reading 5 times a week with your child
  • Supporting your child in recognising numbers in the environment
  • Contributing to your child’s learning journey on Tapestry
 Learning Journey During your child’s time in reception their learning will be captured through observations, videos and photographs and uploaded onto Tapestry.  We appreciate that a huge amount of learning takes place at home and would really appreciate you uploading any special learning moments onto Tapestry.

Please do not hesitate to pop in at the end of the day if you have any questions or queries

Miss Randles, Miss May, Miss Barrow and Miss Lloyd.




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Diary Dates - Autumn 2024, by Mrs Barlow

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We learn, we play, we care, we pray, in Jesus' name

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