Year 1 2024 - 2025

Mrs Lancelott

Year 1 teacher

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to the start of an exciting, fun Autumn Term in Year 1


Mrs Lancelott

Miss Fellows – Friday’s

Important Weekly Timetable:

Monday: Hand in homework and Red Ted. Reading books changed by Miss Redding.

Tuesday: Autumn 1 - PE day (come in to school in correct PE uniform)

Wednesday: Homework and Red Ted handed out. 

Thursday: Autumn 2 PE: House of Dance

Friday:  Autumn 1 - PE day (come in to school in correct PE uniform)

Please look out for School Spider messages for any changes to the timetable.

This half term we have lots of fun learning planned out and we love to see any learning linked to this at home too! 

You can try one of these activities. Choose how to present it e.g. PowerPoint, photos, written, poetry, model, song and bring it in to show us!

  • Create a presentation on how Ellesmere Port has changed 
  • Create a map of your journey to school
  • Talk to grandparents about how life was when they were in school. How is that different to now?


This term we are focusing on writing narratives. We will start by focusing on our writing linked to No Outsiders, with ur focus text being ‘Elmer.’ Then our text will link to our author of the term, Oliver Jeffers. We will be writing an adventure story based on the structure of 'Lost and Found.' We will be focusing on:

  • Combining words to make sentences
  • Leaving spaces between words
  • Beginning to use capital letters and full stops
  • Use capital letters for names of people and the personal pronoun ‘I’
  • Correct letter formation and handwriting


In Year 1 we are continuing to have daily phonics and we are working really hard on applying our phonics sounds to our reading to make our reading more fluent and expressive. Our phonics screening starts the week commencing 9th June, so please ensure that your child is in school every day. 


This term our Maths units are: Place Value, Addition and subtraction and geometry.  We will be learning our numbers bonds, number fact families, writing mathematical statements and building on our knowledge of numbers to 20 and beyond.  We will also be recognising and naming 2d and 3d shapes.

Topic – Geography and History Focused

This term we are looking at ‘What is it like to live in Ellesmere Port? / How has Ellesmere Port changed?'  Within this we will be looking at our local community, which will include mapping of our local community. We will create our own maps with keys, compass and use directional language. We will start to identify human and physical features of our local community.


This half term we are exploring 2 key questions linked to Harvest, ‘How can we help those who do not have a good harvest? And ‘How do people of Jewish faith celebrate the harvest?’ After October half term we will have an RE focus on Christmas, with our key question being ‘Why do we give and receive gifts?’


In Science we are learning about ‘Seasonal Change.’ We will investigate the different weather and the changes that occur within the different seasons. We will then investigate the properties of different materials. 


This half term in Art we are looking at the work of the artist, Hal Lasko. We will create digital art on Purple Mash and we also using the IPads to take and manipulate these pictures.


In autumn 2, we will be linking our DT to our topic of Everyday Materials and we will evaluate our coats, design a coat that will keep us warm and waterproof and make a coat using felt. 


In PE we will be developing our gymnastic skills.  We will also be taking part in House of Dance sessions in autumn 2. 


In Music this term we will be introducing the beat and adding rhythm and pitch.  


We are learning how to logon to a computer and how to login to Purple Mash. We will then use Purple Mash to create digital artwork. We looking at Online Safety and how to keep safe when using the computer or other technology. 


Hola! We will be learning basic greetings. 


Within Heartsmart we are focusing on what choices they make that can help or hurt our hearts and others. We will discuss different feelings and making good choices to keep ourselves healthy.


The Boat Museum: 10th January 2025

Burwardsley Residential:  1st – 2nd July 2025


If your child is attending a sports after-school club, that is on a different day to a PE day, they will need to come in to school wearing their full, named school uniform and their PE kit in a bag.

Toys, teddies, jewellery should not be bought in to school, as children get very upset when they lose things or they get broken. 

Look on our homework tab for all home learning links to support your child’s learning.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the year one team who will be happy to help. 

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Lancelott ([email protected]), Miss Fellows ([email protected]) and Miss Redding

Files to Download

Year 1: News items

Diary Dates - Autumn 2024, by Mrs Barlow

Year 1: Blog items

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Year 1: Gallery items

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We learn, we play, we care, we pray, in Jesus' name

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